Thursday, November 10, 2016

Protect Your Library the Medieval Way, With Horrifying Book Curses


Medieval scribes protected their work by threatening death, or worse.

Given the extreme effort that went into creating books, scribes and book owners had a real incentive to protect their work. They used the only power they had: words. At the beginning or the end of books, scribes and book owners would write dramatic curses threatening thieves with pain and suffering if they were to steal or damage these treasures.

They did not hesitate to use the worst punishments they knew—excommunication from the church and horrible, painful death. Steal a book, and you might be cleft by a demon sword, forced to sacrifice your hands, have your eyes gouged out, or end in the “fires of hell and brimstone.”

full at
Medieval scribes protected their work by threatening death, or worse.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

: Iggy Pop movie



"Gimmie Danger" a film by Jim Jarmusch

Trailer at
A preview of the film.

Hypnotized Chicken video at