Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Unforgiveable Sins

Dante is granted a tour of Hell. The Devil leads him to the first level, where he sees people knee-high in lava, screaming in agony.

Dante asks, "What did these people do?"
The Devil answers, "These are Catholics who ate meat on Good Friday."

They move to the next level of Hell, where Dante sees people up to their waist in lava, screaming in agony.

"What about these people?" Dante asks.
The Devil replies, "These are Jews who ate pork on Yom Kippur."

They move to the lowest level, and Dante sees people up to their necks in lava, screaming in agony.

"And here?" Dante asks.

The Devil sighs and says, "They're Episcopalians who ate their salad with their dinner fork."


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