Thursday, August 27, 2009

Emergent zipper release: "Free Willy"

A practical science publication (for men):

Comparing 2 Methods of Emergent Zipper Release
 N. Inoue, S.C. Crook and L.G. Yamamoto, American journal of Emergency Medicine, vol. 23, no. 4, July 2005, pp. 480-2.
The authors, at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, report:
"Subjects were provided with zippers and were taught 2 methods of emergent zipper release using a standard method (cutting the median bar of the actuator) and an alternate method (cutting the closed teeth of the zipper). The elapsed times to successful zipper release for both methods were measured.
CONCLUSION: The alternate method of zipper release is faster and easier than the standard method of zipper release; however, the optimal procedure is also dependent on the location of the entrapped tissue relative to the zipper actuator and the type of zipper."

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