Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drilling in Antarctica ? Sometimes it's OK.

Beverage company Whyte & Mackay has approved a plan to drill beneath Antarctica's surface in search of two 100-year-old crates of whiskey that were lost during a 1909 shipwreck. If recovered, the company will use samples of the whiskey to decide whether to relaunch the brand.
The rescue mission will be led by New Zealand's Antarctic Heritage Trust and is slated to begin in January. The crates were located in 2006 beneath the floor of an expedition hut near Cape Royds, but the ice was too thick to drill through at the time.
When asked about the mission, a Whyte & Mackay's spokesman said that it's time for the whiskey to return home. "It's been laying there lonely and neglected. It should come back to Scotland where it was born."

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