Friday, June 18, 2010

Another amazing piece of pseudoscience

The Psionic Hieronymous Machineā„¢

In 1948 a scientist, inventor named T. Galen Hieronymus patented a machine which was designed to "detect the presence of any element or combination of elements that may be in substance under investigation to determine their intensity an/or quanity thereof by the detection of their emissions or emanations." This simply means the device can locate any element by its individual freqency. The device turned out to be far, far more.

1. In the Cumberland Valley a scientist from the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau put a photo of an insect infested field into the machine commonly called a "Black Box". Along with it they put a tiny amount of insecticide. Forty-eight hours later, the insects in the infected field, many miles away, were all dead!
2. A scientist named George de la Warr, head of a huge of laboratory in Oxford, England put a piece of ordinary photographic film into an opening in the device and after a few minutes, removed a picture of his wife and himself on their wedding day, 30 years before.
Yet, why then does the A.M.A. claim it's all quackery? Mostly because Orthodox science cannot accept the way it supposedly works.


The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.


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