Thursday, July 29, 2010

WikiLeaks? How about "#wookieleaks"

Twitter empire strikes back with 'WookieLeaks'


It hadn't hit Twitter's top 10 trend list at the time of this post, but it's only a matter of time before "#wookieleaks," the hashtag du jour, overtakes "Immigration Law," "Inception," and yes, even "StarCraft" as the topic all the cool kids are tweeting about.


 Just days after the close of Comic-Con, the annual ultimate geek fest in San Diego, nerdlingers are invading the microblogging service with a slight variation on the 91,000-odd secret U.S. military documents posted on WikiLeaks. 


While the government, military and news outlets attempt to assess the fallout from the formerly top secret documents, the tweeting public is turning its attention to a topic that —admit it — is never very far from any true American's heart or mind: "Star Wars."

Some of the more brilliant "#wookieleaks" posts include:
@ Geniusbastard: "The Death Star has a serious design flaw in one of its exhaust vents. #wookieleaks"
@Uranowski: "Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father #wookieleaks"
@ hagenr 'Those really were the droids you're looking for.'#wookieleaks



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