your smile for the day
News Item:
World Net Daily booted Ann Coulter from next month's "Taking America Back" conference because the conservative firebrand has elected to share her views with gay conservatives. Coulter is scheduled to speak at the GOProud conference next month.
"There is simply no room [at the WND conference] for compromisers," WND's editor-in-chief said. "Or for people who accept money from those determined to destroy the moral fabric required for self-governance and liberty."
And, in the comments section, the following was posted:
This is all too troubling. Something's up with Coulter lately. She hasn't really been active on the hate front. I don't like to admit it but she seems to be mellowing, and my nightmare is that I'm going to see her at a vegan co-op, wearing a hemp shirt and pushing a stroller with toddlers that she's minding for the afternoon while her lesbian neighbors get Reiki. She'll smile at me and then scold me about driving to the store when I could easily have reduced my carbon footprint by biking, but then she'll smile again after a pinky promise that I'll do my part to save the earth. And ... this is a frightening image to me. Soon, we'll be watching Al Gore's documentary together while looking over non-profits to volunteer time at. The horror. The horror.
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