FW: LOLCat Bible
from my friend Sam
Not sure if you've seen this already, but apparently people on the internet have way too much time on their hands and decided to "translate" the Bible into LOLCat speak. It's kinda impressive while kinda pathetic at the same time.
1 Ceiling Cat iz mai sheprd (which is funni if u knowz teh joek about herdin catz LOL.)
He givz me evrithin I need.
2 He letz me sleeps in teh sunni spot
an haz liek nice waterz r ovar thar.
3 He makez mai soul happi
an maeks sure I go teh riet wai for him. Liek thru teh cat flap insted of out teh opin windo LOL.
4 I iz in teh valli of dogz, fearin no pooch,
bcz Ceiling Cat iz besied me rubbin' mah ears, an it maek me so kumfy.
5 He letz me sit at teh taebl evn when peepl who duzint liek me iz watchn.
He givz me a flea baff an so much gooshy fud it runz out of mai bowl LOL.
6 Niec things an luck wil chase me evrydai
an I wil liv in teh Ceiling Cats houz forevr.
I'll never read Psalm 23 the same way again.
"Ceiling Cat" ?
see http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ceiling-cat
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