Monday, August 17, 2009

It's gonna be a busy week

There are 4 of us who are mutual friends of one person, and we have a long Facebook thread of comments to one another. Since the 4 of us only know that one person, and have never met each other, we're trying to find a day to get together to meet.  As a joke I posted the following :

  I'd love to get together with all of you soon. However, I'm a key member of the Republican Noise Machine, and next week I'm pretty busy.

On Monday, I have to forge Obama's birth certificate to make it look like he was born in Kenya.  On Tuesday, I've got to start a rumor that the Health Care Overhaul will lead to the mass slaughter of the Elderly.

On Wednesday,  I have to redefine "Socialism" so that it fits Obama's policies (even the ones that Bush started).

Thursday's gonna be a killer; I have to convince the Party Loyalists that Sarah Palin's capable of governing the country. That might take more than one day.

Oh, wait, wait... All that stuff's already done?

OK, then I can join you anytime next week for a beer, but I can't stay long.  I have to score some Oxycotin for Rush, and get Cheney a few gallons of Tru-Blood.

And I still gotta get around to giving Ann Coulter her rabies shot.


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