Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Sierpinski Hamantaschen: Sierpinskitaschen (First in the world?!)

from the blog:

It's not often that you think you just did something nobody's ever done before. But today, it might have happened.

It's Purim, so I'm making the hamantaschen recipe my grandmother z"l developed while she was alive, and passed down to me. It's my family obligation to make this recipe now every year and send hamantaschen out in boxes (gifts called mishloach manot) to my family and dear ones. I've done my best to preserve this recipe; I've written it up in the New York Times, I've taught workshops on how to make it for two Purims in a row, and I've committed to the family hamantaschen-baking role.

But this year, I did something else. You may be familiar with the Sierpinski triangle, a mathematically attractive, self-repeating fractal that starts with one equilateral triangle and breaks down into ever-smaller triangles.

Somehow this year it dawned on me that the world was incomplete without a Sierpinski hamantaschen, or sierpinskitaschen. I scoured the vast reaches of the Interwebs, to see if this had been done before. I may have missed something, but it seems this has not.

Until today.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

You can now buy Cheetos-flavored ice cream in Philly

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Worst Joke Wednesday


Monday, February 19, 2018

Who needs to make a paper model of ASTROBOY? You do!

or maybe you don't, but it's still cool

That's NOT how you pipette !

Images from TV programs showing many "scientists" in the lab with absolutely no clue about using a pipette.

(News Flash: You don't use a pipette to insert an RFID chip into someone's palm).

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

It's February 14th. Give your sweetheart VD for V.D.

Giant Plush Microbes of Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and more!

Monday, February 12, 2018

: Cool idea, but can you lift it?

Thor's mighty Mjolnir doubles as handy place to store a 44-piece toolset that includes everything from adjustable wrench to an actual hammer, from ThinkGeek

This 44-piece tool set, a ThinkGeek creation and exclusive, comes in a molded case that looks like Thor's hammer. Inside it has all your basic tools: a hammer, a tape ...