The Devil's walking around Hell, checking on the suffering of the souls in residence. He spots one guy, standing around, looking cool as a cucumber.
"Hot enough for ya?" the Devil asks. "This ain't hot," the guy replies. "I used to live in Philadelphia, and the summers there are hotter than this place."
"Oh yeah?" says the Devil, and turns up the thermostat. "How about now?"
"It's still nothing," says the guy. When I lived in Philadelphia, I had a top-floor apartment without an air-conditioner. This place still ain't hot."
"Oh, we'll see about that," says the Devil, and cranks the thermostat all the way up. "How about now?" he asks.
The guy shrugs. "In Philadelphia, I had a summer job working in a pizza parlor. All day I'd be in front of the pizza ovens. This place still ain't hot."
"Well, I'll fix his wagon," the Devil decides, and turns the thermostat all the way down. Ice starts to form on the ground, chilly winds blow snowflakes around.
The guy suddenly starts jumping up and down, screaming with delight.
"What are you so happy about?" the Devil asks.
The guy shouts, "The Eagles must have won the Super Bowl."